Mike Gaskill
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CEE’s National Economics Challenge is Going Global!
The Council for Economic Education (CEE) is excited to announce the expansion of our National Economics Challenge (NEC) internationally as part of the World Youth Forum-Future Economics…
National Economics Challenge Winners 2024
Think fast! What are two actions that the Federal Reserve might take to combat inflation? If the average cost of producing four cars is $20,000 and the average cost of…
National Personal Finance Challenge Winners 2024
Capping a school year of tremendous strides in requiring personal finance classes in America’s high schools, 35 teams gathered in Cleveland at the Council for Economic Education’s annual …
2024 Diamond Gala
We had fun, learned a little, and hit a new one-night fundraising record at the Council for Economic Education’s 2024 Diamond Gala! On Friday, April 30th, we celebrated CEE’s 75th…
Why is Financial Literacy Month Important?
April is Financial Literacy Month! For the Council for Economic Education, Financial Literacy Month is a meaningful moment to share the work we do. But why should the rest of the U.S. celebrate this month?